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    Train Landscape

    These are the same lino print of the interior of an old railway carriage- but 3 different landscapes have been hand painted on each print.

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    The Royal Twins

    These to ‘Royal’ ladies are handbuilt in a black clay. The images on their dresses are all applied as a low relief decoration as the sculptures were built.

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    Painting a "Tyger" for firing!

    This handbuilt ‘Tyger"‘ sculpture in red clay, has been biscuit fired and now needs some colour and glaze. Colours are painted on, before a clear glaze is applied on top.

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    'Rings on her Fingers'

    This large sculpture is being glazed and then oxides and colours painted on top before being high fired.

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    Packing a Tyger!

    Packing some of my sculptures to be sent through the post demands particular techniques……….

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    The printing of 'Spring Cycle'

    This is how I print my lino prints…each colour for the image is printed one after another….there’s a lot of walking about!

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    The making of a small box with a Dragon lid!

    This short film shows the use of a wooden 'hump mould' to form a small ceramic box in black clay. The lid is then finished with a small 'Dragon'! ...added bonus, sounds from the New Zealand Bush I recorded a few years ago. (About 1.30 minutes in length)

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  • 10/02/2024

    Two Large Cockerels

    Two large cockerels just finished. These have been built in a black clay, they are made from the base upwards with thin slabs of clay and coils- they are hollow. Now awaiting drying and firing.

  • 09/09/2023

    The Studio....September 2023

    I’m starting work now for Christmas shows……

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    Making a small hare.

    Jeremy draws and designs a small hare on paper, before modelling it in clay.

    (3 minutes)

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    'Walking Woman'

    In his Derbyshire studio, Jeremy handbuilds a large striding woman.

    (41 seconds)

  • 06/03/2022

    Hand painting a lino print.

    A single colour lino print has watercolours added by hand.

    (3.30 minutes)